Feb 24, 2011

Gay Marriage In Maryland


I will say that I am a Republican/Conservative, but unless I bring it up, I won't discuss politics most of the time.  Mainly because I'm mostly uneducated and I know I'd easily go back and forth on my opinions for different things and probably get really annoying.  Anyway...

I do support gay marriage, but I also understand the people who say that marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman who want to have children.  (The second part I've seen/heard more recently mentioned).  The problem I have with that definition is the children part.  There are plenty of straight people who get married who don't want children and gay couples who do want children.  The other part?  Marriage was a term created for legal purposes, therefore I don't think there's any point in changing such an old term.

I'm not positive on this, but it seems to me, the point of making gay marriage legal is to give gay couples the same rights as married couples. (If any readers are gay, let me know, please).  That's why I agree with Hawaii and Illinois (and Europe I think) who label a gay 'marriage' as a civil union.  They have the same rights as a married couple.  It seems to me that if any gay couples are opposed to the lack of the marriage title then live with what the government calls you nationally, and say you're married privately, because really, if others support you then they shouldn't care whether you refer to your significant other as husband/wife or life partner.

I did discover that this bill and a few others "protect" religions from performing a civil union.  First of all, it seems to me that if a church/religious group didn't support a gay couple, the couple wouldn't be asking them to perform the union.  Second... okay I don't think I had a send part to that thought.  I guess it's nice that the government is covering all the bases, but it doesn't seem to be needed.  That's the government for you.

So before I start to repeat myself I'm going to stop it here.  This is the article I read for "research."  I'm not a big non-fiction type person, but I thought something this important warranted a little more info than what I over heard on the news.
Please comment if you read this.  I'd really like to hear opinions from both sides.

Ciao :-*

Feb 16, 2011

Link Test

I thought I'd try linking to a youtube video of Higher Window.  I want to do it separately just incase I screwed up.

Higher Window - Josh Groban

Yay! I think I did it!

More Glee

Yes, it's time for more Glee.  I was going to wait a little while, but I wanted to revisit the one subject from my previous blog.  I know I wanted to say more about the fanfiction stuff, but for the life of me I can't remember what that was.  However, this morning I was listening to Josh Groban's new Illuminations CD and the song Higher Window came on and for some reason I was like, "OMG Karofsky could totally sing that to Kurt.  Here are the lyrics:

Josh Groban – Higher Window Lyrics
For all the times I tried for this
And every chance at you I missed
I’ve been known to go my way
But I confess it made me miss you more
I drew my line across the sand
And set my flag in no-man’s-land
But here I am, the one man band
With a song that’s meant for two
And there is a light from a higher window
Shining down on you tonight
And the music floats on the breeze
Bringing an easier time
And all of our cards are on the table
Tell me what you want to do
Just don’t tell me that it’s too late
For me to love you
How perfect we were meant to be
Our warm and silent symmetry
It’s times like these when all
All we need is to be reminded
Oh, and I’ve flown a thousand miles
To empty room and crowded aisles
And we went from cathedral bells
To show-and-tell and wish-you-wells
And I still look at you and I am blinded I am blinded
Because there is a light from a higher window
Shining down on us tonight
And the music floats on the breeze
From an easier time
And all of our cards are on the table
Tell me what you want to do
Just don’t tell me that it’s too late
Don’t tell me that it’s too late now
Just don’t tell me that it’s too late
For me to love you
Okay, so after the first chorus it may not be the best song, but up until then it totally is.  And I can picture it being one of those montages where maybe he isn't actually sing to Kurt, just "towards" him, and then some one else sings the second half, like Kurt and Blaine.  Not that any of this would actually happen on the show.  The song itself is too new for it to be on this season, and even though Josh has been on the show before, that doesn't mean he'd be willing to give them the rights to his songs.
So, I just wanted to get that off my chest.  I may or may not revisit the fanfic topic again, but I'm just not feeling it  right now, but I'll try not to post again until tomorrow at the soonest.  I don't want to "spam" my own blog.  It wouldn't be that bad, except it takes me forever to stop typing.  Like right now, I was supposed to have stopped like three sentences ago.
Talk ta ya'll later!
Ciao :-*

Feb 15, 2011


So, it's sad that I still haven't posted anything new since I started this blog.  At this point I'm going to try and update twice a week, not that there's really anyone to read this yet.  But writing it in the blog will keep me writing and hopefully in the future I'll manage to gain some followers.
Anyway, if some one visited my first post before this then they will notice that I changed the adult setting thing.  I don't plan on having too bad of content on my blog, AS OF NOW, but I do like to write and I do love romantic erotica, so you do the math.  If I ever post a writing of my own, it might not be the "cleanest" material.  However, until something like that comes up, I will go ahead and not bother with the warning.

Now, onto the interesting stuff.  I have two topics: Glee and fanfics.  First glee, I promise you, no spoilers.  Just because I want to get it out there.  NO KURT?!  Not fair.  None the less, it was still a great episode.  Oh, and if you didn't notice, go back and look at Sue's "underwear." Which is so NOT a spoiler because if you haven't seen it all that means is you are now confused.  If you have, then you will be thoroughly amused.  Other than that, I cannot wait until next week's ep.

So, fanfic... Honestly, it's kinda embarrassing to admit that I like it.  But I don't write it and i try to limit myself to a particular pairing to prevent long periods of wasted time surfing FF.net.  However, I am currently at least two weeks, if not three weeks, into a fanfic craze.  That I must say is rather embarrassing. It's only two different genres.  Kurtofsky and Ryan/Esposito.  In an attempt to prevent this from going on too long I will try to only make a few points and maybe return to the topic in my next post.

First, Kurtofsky fanfic.  I cannot even remember how I came across it.  I think it just started out as a general, Kurt related ff search and out of everything I read, I just fell in love with Kurtofsky.  That doesn't mean, though, that I am completely against the Klaine the actual show is heading towards.  Somehow, I can manage to separate the two.  That doesn't mean I won't be ecstatic if Kurtofsky happens in the third season (assuming Karofsky comes out this season).  But I digress.  I think the reason I fell in love with this particular pairing is that the authors, in an attempt to remove Blaine from the story line, make him out to be a total jerk.  For some reason this doesn't change my opinion of him on the actual show.  But it does completely ruin the image of his ff self.  After a few Kurtofsky stories, Klaine was completely ruined for me.  Besides, there are so many more interesting story lines for the bully trying to redeem himself, rather than the idolized, too perfect boyfriend.  Since I could probably ramble on more about this, I shall stop here.

Oh, the Ryan/Esposito fanfics.  I feel so sorry for those actors.  Once again, I can somehow separate the show (Castle for those that don't know) and the stories rather easily.  I happened across it by accident and read my first one out of curiosity.  What originally pulled me in was the way the author was able to portray the characters.  I still can't really imagine my own ff story in my head for these two (though my Glee related ones are popping up like crazy) but when I read certain stories, I can't help but see it actually happening (in my head, not the show).  Really, it's nice to be able to read about hot man love and actually see the two men.  Where as, when I read an erotic book, no matter the description, I tend to imagine a generic hot man with ripped abs and a tight ass.  So, after saying that, I admit that it is interesting to watch the show and look out for the "slashable" moments, just for fun.  I totally understand the bromance going on.  Oh, but I also have pics saved, some photoshopped some not, that are of the two together.  They are totally HOT!  Specifics to come later in the attempts to keep this "short."  HA!

Anyways, until next time.
(Did I spell that right?)

Feb 10, 2011

The Beginning

      So, I'm totally new at this.  Having never blogged before I don't really know what to do.  All I plan on doing is doing a little free writing stuff every once in a while.  I may post some of my own stories or poems or what not, but only when I figure out how the copyright works.  I'm just paranoid that someone might steal a piece of work that I write and manage to make money off of it.  After all, if I did get the guts to publish something then I might do it under my real name, which is... Ha! Gotcha.
      For me, the reason I'm starting this blog is so I can get my ideas out there without being criticized.  And maybe if people start reading this and comment, I can improve my opinions on... stuff.  If nobody read or comments, well then, oh well.  I might also include pictures/drawings once I get photoshop so I can play around with different things and have more fun.
      The big things I'll talk about are like, gay rights, abortion laws, religion, and things like that.  However, keep in mind that I don't know anything in depth.  I want to be able to say what I believe and if someone comments to the contrary then I will consider their opinion and most likely change my own.  I won't list off any "rules" right now, because I'm sure I could go on and on without end.  Instead, if I notice problems arising, I will certainly address them.
      Other things will probably be TV or book related stuff.  I totally want a place where I can go all "OMG that was AWESOME!"  And ramble on about nothing.  I haven't decided if I will post every day, or only certain days, or just whenever I feel like it.  Thinking about it now, I'll most likely create a schedule for myself just to make sure I keep this active.  I may deviate and do more, or I may change it, but that is for the future.

      I was originally going to "theme" this blog as some sort of opinion based thing, but I remembered a high school project I did about nature in literature and what not.  Being a major fan of nature (observing, not integrated) I found said project and reminded myself of some of the quotations I made myself.  Two of them really sounded good:
      "If man looks to Nature for guidance, he will attain more knowledge than he can ever know."  It could probably be a little better, but I already edited once, and it is from eleventh grade.
      "A stream carries the secrets from a hilltop, a forest holds the secrets of the traveler, an ocean keeps the secrets of a nation, and the wind possesses the secrets of the world."  I double checked, I did come up with this.  But I do know that it is inspired by Hawthorne.  I may use this as my little subtitle for the blog,  we'll see.  I'll also be including "nature" pics, though keep in mind I'm not a professional.

      So I think that's all for now.  If anyone happens by this, comment and let me know.  I'm curious how interesting I am.