Mar 11, 2011

MRT Follow Up (Spoilers! for House, Glee, and Mentalist)

So, following up on my previous post:

I was kinda disappointed in House.  I mean, I haven't been watching it, so I wasn't up to date on the story lines, but I hate when things from the end of a show are advertised in commercials as if that's what the whole thing is about.  I know why it's done, but I still hate it.  Though I must say, Hugh Laurie (yes i remembered his name) is a great singer.  And therefore, best actor ever!

Now for Glee... Apparently, some of the previews from last week were for the next two episodes, so I was right in thinking that "Original Song" is regional week.  As for the show?  Favorite line: Emma Pillsbury saying "Celibacy, ladies!  Dig it!"  And of course I can't wait until next week's ep.

Since I'm doing favorite lines.  I just watched The Mentalist and a line of Patrick Jane's explains so much about the entire series:

      Jane: She does the detecting and I do the insulting.
      Lisbon:  Consulting.
      Jane: That too.

And there's this, one of those things that you have to stop and think about for a second:

      Jane: Au contraire.  This is just the venue.  A room full of professionals who prescribe drugs they know little about to cure diseases they know less about for people they know nothing about.  And they call me a fraud.

Hehe.  Patrick Jane makes me giggle.

Anyway, that's all I've got for you today.

Ciao! :-*

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