Feb 10, 2011

The Beginning

      So, I'm totally new at this.  Having never blogged before I don't really know what to do.  All I plan on doing is doing a little free writing stuff every once in a while.  I may post some of my own stories or poems or what not, but only when I figure out how the copyright works.  I'm just paranoid that someone might steal a piece of work that I write and manage to make money off of it.  After all, if I did get the guts to publish something then I might do it under my real name, which is... Ha! Gotcha.
      For me, the reason I'm starting this blog is so I can get my ideas out there without being criticized.  And maybe if people start reading this and comment, I can improve my opinions on... stuff.  If nobody read or comments, well then, oh well.  I might also include pictures/drawings once I get photoshop so I can play around with different things and have more fun.
      The big things I'll talk about are like, gay rights, abortion laws, religion, and things like that.  However, keep in mind that I don't know anything in depth.  I want to be able to say what I believe and if someone comments to the contrary then I will consider their opinion and most likely change my own.  I won't list off any "rules" right now, because I'm sure I could go on and on without end.  Instead, if I notice problems arising, I will certainly address them.
      Other things will probably be TV or book related stuff.  I totally want a place where I can go all "OMG that was AWESOME!"  And ramble on about nothing.  I haven't decided if I will post every day, or only certain days, or just whenever I feel like it.  Thinking about it now, I'll most likely create a schedule for myself just to make sure I keep this active.  I may deviate and do more, or I may change it, but that is for the future.

      I was originally going to "theme" this blog as some sort of opinion based thing, but I remembered a high school project I did about nature in literature and what not.  Being a major fan of nature (observing, not integrated) I found said project and reminded myself of some of the quotations I made myself.  Two of them really sounded good:
      "If man looks to Nature for guidance, he will attain more knowledge than he can ever know."  It could probably be a little better, but I already edited once, and it is from eleventh grade.
      "A stream carries the secrets from a hilltop, a forest holds the secrets of the traveler, an ocean keeps the secrets of a nation, and the wind possesses the secrets of the world."  I double checked, I did come up with this.  But I do know that it is inspired by Hawthorne.  I may use this as my little subtitle for the blog,  we'll see.  I'll also be including "nature" pics, though keep in mind I'm not a professional.

      So I think that's all for now.  If anyone happens by this, comment and let me know.  I'm curious how interesting I am.


  1. Hi Amelia, thx for stopping by my blog and becoming a new follower.
    Did you know Blogger gives people a warning before they visit your blog? A warning that there might be 'adult' content.
    If that is your intention, than ok. If not: Login to your dashboard, go to settings for your blog, on the start tap make sure you tell blogger you have 'safe' content only. Just trying to help here.
    Happy blogging to you!

  2. Thanks for the comment. I did mean to have the warning that way. Obviously my blog doesn't contain anything to bad yet, but it's more just paranoia that I might have something less safe in the future. I still don't have a specific direction for my blog yet so I wanted to be prepared. Do you know if there's a way to make a single entry have a warning, or is that not a feature of blogspot?
