Feb 15, 2011


So, it's sad that I still haven't posted anything new since I started this blog.  At this point I'm going to try and update twice a week, not that there's really anyone to read this yet.  But writing it in the blog will keep me writing and hopefully in the future I'll manage to gain some followers.
Anyway, if some one visited my first post before this then they will notice that I changed the adult setting thing.  I don't plan on having too bad of content on my blog, AS OF NOW, but I do like to write and I do love romantic erotica, so you do the math.  If I ever post a writing of my own, it might not be the "cleanest" material.  However, until something like that comes up, I will go ahead and not bother with the warning.

Now, onto the interesting stuff.  I have two topics: Glee and fanfics.  First glee, I promise you, no spoilers.  Just because I want to get it out there.  NO KURT?!  Not fair.  None the less, it was still a great episode.  Oh, and if you didn't notice, go back and look at Sue's "underwear." Which is so NOT a spoiler because if you haven't seen it all that means is you are now confused.  If you have, then you will be thoroughly amused.  Other than that, I cannot wait until next week's ep.

So, fanfic... Honestly, it's kinda embarrassing to admit that I like it.  But I don't write it and i try to limit myself to a particular pairing to prevent long periods of wasted time surfing FF.net.  However, I am currently at least two weeks, if not three weeks, into a fanfic craze.  That I must say is rather embarrassing. It's only two different genres.  Kurtofsky and Ryan/Esposito.  In an attempt to prevent this from going on too long I will try to only make a few points and maybe return to the topic in my next post.

First, Kurtofsky fanfic.  I cannot even remember how I came across it.  I think it just started out as a general, Kurt related ff search and out of everything I read, I just fell in love with Kurtofsky.  That doesn't mean, though, that I am completely against the Klaine the actual show is heading towards.  Somehow, I can manage to separate the two.  That doesn't mean I won't be ecstatic if Kurtofsky happens in the third season (assuming Karofsky comes out this season).  But I digress.  I think the reason I fell in love with this particular pairing is that the authors, in an attempt to remove Blaine from the story line, make him out to be a total jerk.  For some reason this doesn't change my opinion of him on the actual show.  But it does completely ruin the image of his ff self.  After a few Kurtofsky stories, Klaine was completely ruined for me.  Besides, there are so many more interesting story lines for the bully trying to redeem himself, rather than the idolized, too perfect boyfriend.  Since I could probably ramble on more about this, I shall stop here.

Oh, the Ryan/Esposito fanfics.  I feel so sorry for those actors.  Once again, I can somehow separate the show (Castle for those that don't know) and the stories rather easily.  I happened across it by accident and read my first one out of curiosity.  What originally pulled me in was the way the author was able to portray the characters.  I still can't really imagine my own ff story in my head for these two (though my Glee related ones are popping up like crazy) but when I read certain stories, I can't help but see it actually happening (in my head, not the show).  Really, it's nice to be able to read about hot man love and actually see the two men.  Where as, when I read an erotic book, no matter the description, I tend to imagine a generic hot man with ripped abs and a tight ass.  So, after saying that, I admit that it is interesting to watch the show and look out for the "slashable" moments, just for fun.  I totally understand the bromance going on.  Oh, but I also have pics saved, some photoshopped some not, that are of the two together.  They are totally HOT!  Specifics to come later in the attempts to keep this "short."  HA!

Anyways, until next time.
(Did I spell that right?)

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